Many years ago the thought of hiring a private beach lifeguard was unheard of for events such as beach parties or even private beaches/resorts in the Southern California region. Where would one go to find a private beach lifeguard? Craigslist? Word of mouth? Newspaper want ads? Well, now thanks to social media and the web, finding a beach lifeguard has become a lot easier for those looking for such services. It is also easier now as there are companies that offer this specialized service.
The concept of private beach lifeguards for resorts/clubs/parties is nothing new and has been around for some time. Remember the hit television show Baywatch starring David Hasselhoff? Of course you do especially if you were a teen in the early nineties. There were some episodes that featured a young Australian lifeguard not employed with the Baywatch guards working for a private Malibu beach club. Sadly, the show portrayed him as a “hot head” always having run ins with Mitch Buchanan. The reality is that private beach lifeguards are not “hot heads” and most of them currently work with other municipal lifeguard agencies. Most are consummate professionals, lifesavers!
Private beach lifeguard companies have become a valuable asset to beach clubs/resorts and even to those planning beach parties/events. There are many beaches that are not protected by lifeguards and this is where the private lifeguard provider can actually fill in the gaps. Many of those resorts/clubs can only call 911 in hopes of getting help but in the case of swimmers caught in a rip current for example, time is of the essence. If there are no lifeguards to respond, the likelihood of a poor outcome is very real.
Today many people often have beach parties/events such as schools for their end of year celebrations. The general consensus is that having a dedicated lifeguard or two offers another layer of protection for the group enjoying their time on the beach and in the water. Sometimes there may already be a tower guard nearby however for some, those extra set of eyes is very reassuring.
Because this is an emerging trend, there are many trying to capitalize on this by passing themselves off as beach lifeguards and the reality is that many of them are not trained as such. Many are American Red Cross pool lifeguards who have no experience with ocean lifeguarding. The training between the two are distinctly different and have a different set of requirements. This deceit puts swimmers at risk but also puts the lifeguard at risk as well. Reputable companies that offer this service have vetted their lifeguards using tryouts or hiring lifeguards currently working with other municipal agencies. Many beach resorts/clubs do not have the mechanism to properly background check the lifeguards so they are relying on the few companies that do offer this service.
For information on our services, go to OCEAN & BEACH LIFEGUARD SERVICES