Golden State Lifeguards is now offering professional/community training classes and programs in the Southern California region. Our training classes are taught by career lifeguard/medics who go above and beyond to ensure that each student retains what is being taught. The best part of the training classes is we can bring it to your home or office.

Additionally we offer classes and seminars for currently certified ocean lifeguards to help them to become better equipped for rescue situations.

Some of the training classes/seminars we offer are:

  • Disaster Preparedness
    – Earthquake
    – Wildfires
    – Flooding
  • American Red Cross Lifeguard (R24 Updated)
    This is a blended class that requires at-home study and physical skills training
  • CPR
    *American Red Cross or ASHI
  • “Stop The Bleed”
  • Advanced First Aid
    *This course is modeled after the Emergency Medical Responder course. (Non-Certificated)
  • Emergency Medical Responder Course
    *This course upon completion issues a ASHI certificate
  • PreHospital Trauma Life Support
  • Cliff Rope Rescue (Ocean Lifeguards)
  • Beach Safety Clinic for Families & Groups:
    Know Your Limits
    Lightning & Weather Safety
    Rip Current Awareness & Safety
    Sting Ray Awareness & First Aid

Some of the programs we offer are:


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