Consumers Need To Be Aware Of Booking Websites

Now that Spring is finally here, it is a yearly tradition for us to warn consumers all over the nation but especially here in the Southern California region about companies that are nothing more than booking agencies unlike companies that actually employ lifeguards but keep in mind that not all… Continue reading

Summer Beach Camp Safety – Lifeguards On The Sand

Here we are and weeks away from many of the beach camps starting their programs and that means heavier traffic on Pacific Coast Highway as parents drop their kids off for the day . Many of the beach camps are hiring counselors and preparing their programs although we have identified… Continue reading

Southern California Pool Party Safety Guidelines

This is the time of year when Southern California moms start thinking about planning those pool parties for their kids especially for spring break which will be here sooner than you realize. This is not the time to be complacent but the time to plan every angle of the party.… Continue reading

A Tragic Story – Know Who You Hire!

It was six years or so ago that our office received a phone call from a local school event organizer right here in the San Fernando Valley inquiring about our private pool party lifeguard services for an upcoming school sanctioned pool event. It was communicated to us that there would… Continue reading

The Importance Of Yacht Charter Lifeguards

Southern California is known for its sun and sand however there is one often overlooked activity that offers the best that Southern California offers. That activity is being on board a yacht charter cruising along the coast from Marina Del Rey to Malibu or anywhere along the coast for that… Continue reading

2023 Recruiting – A Challenge to be Met

Pool Lifeguard

The 2023 season will be upon us soon enough and in anticipation of yet another busy year, we are once again aggressively recruiting lifeguard candidates to fill our roster. The 2023 season will see recruiting heading a different direction as we will be seeking older candidates between the ages of… Continue reading

Production Set Water Safety Services to Resume

On Sunday, September 19, 2022 it was reported that Biden stated the pandemic is over during an interview on 60 Minutes. President Biden said the COVID-19 pandemic is “over” in the United States.   “The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lotta work on… Continue reading

Southern California Holiday Yacht Charter Lifeguards

It does not take a rocket scientist to feel the change occurring in Southern California with the Holidays fast approaching. Plans are being made to spend time with the families, airline tickets are being purchased and for some, a yacht charter for the holidays is the thing. For those planning… Continue reading

Private Beach Lifeguards – An Emerging Trend

Many years ago the thought of hiring a private beach lifeguard was unheard of for events such as beach parties or even private beaches/resorts in the Southern California region. Where would one go to find a private beach lifeguard? Craigslist? Word of mouth? Newspaper want ads? Well, now thanks to… Continue reading

How to hire a pool party or beach event lifeguard – Southern California

The year 2022 is upon us and we are anticipating a very busy year based on early feedback we have received. As a result of the feedback we have been receiving, many folks are thinking about pool parties which warrants this blog. Our priority has always been about protecting consumers… Continue reading