Sponsor A Lifeguard



Golden State Lifeguards has launched a program that aims to help alleviate the lifeguard shortage in the Southern California region and a program that could help to bolster its staffing needs on a year round basis. This program has been initiated as a means to continue to provide our services to many loyal and new clients across the Southern California region.

As many are not aware, the pandemic has created a severe national lifeguard shortage and is definitely being felt here in the Southern California region. With so many job openings and not enough lifeguards, many are scrambling to fill positions. Lifeguards that worked before the pandemic lockdowns left the workforce to pursue other opportunities as a result of pools that were closed and the inability to get recertified. This mass migration has led to what we are now seeing and fighting against.

Today as many pools and companies struggle to find lifeguards, American Red Cross has done nothing to help alleviate the crisis. They continue to raise their fees which is causing headaches for many training facilities and instructors. If one was to do a search on the cost for certification classes, they will find prices from $250.00 to $280.00 and in some instances as much as $350.00 per student. This is very prohibitive for a high school to college student struggling to make ends meet with a minimum wage job. These prices has also been a deterrent to many who would otherwise look forward to becoming certified lifeguards.

We are seeking individuals, families and corporations who would like to sponsor lifeguard candidates. The sponsorship would ensure the following:

  • Training
  • Certification
  • Uniforms
  • Equipment
  • Employment with Golden State Lifeguards

The typical cost of sponsorship per candidate is $400.00.



If you would like to sponsor a candidate, please email us at info@goldenstatelifeguards.com 

You can donate from $10.00 to $1000.00 today or you can choose any amount you want. Please click on the donation link below.



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